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12 articles for Kochi Medical School

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review
PMIDArticle TitlePublishedDeposition
24461298 Anion inhibition studies of two new ?-carbonic anhydrases from the bacterial pathogen Legionella pneumophila. 15-FEB-2014 02-SEP-2020
24792813 Sulfonamide inhibition studies of twoß-carbonic anhydrases from the bacterial pathogen Legionella pneumophila. 09-MAY-2014 10-FEB-2015
23200251 Restoring catalytic activity to the human carbonic anhydrase (CA) related proteins VIII, X and XI affords isoforms with high catalytic efficiency and susceptibility to anion inhibition. 18-DEC-2012 24-SEP-2013
17826101 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: cloning, characterization, and inhibition studies of the cytosolic isozyme III with sulfonamides. 15-OCT-2007 12-DEC-2012
17228881 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. DNA cloning, characterization, and inhibition studies of the human secretory isoform VI, a new target for sulfonamide and sulfamate inhibitors. 18-JAN-2007 09-DEC-2012
16459077 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: cloning and sulfonamide inhibition studies of a carboxyterminal truncated alpha-carbonic anhydrase from Helicobacter pylori. 10-MAR-2006 06-DEC-2012
16039848 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: inhibition of the transmembrane isozyme XIV with sulfonamides. 02-AUG-2005 02-DEC-2012
21757360 Inhibition studies of theß-carbonic anhydrases from the bacterial pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium with sulfonamides and sulfamates. 08-AUG-2011 23-MAR-2012
19338333 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Cloning, characterization, and inhibition studies of a new beta-carbonic anhydrase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 14-MAY-2009 09-JUN-2009
19317447 Molecular cloning, characterization, and inhibition studies of the Rv1284 beta-carbonic anhydrase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis with sulfonamides and a sulfamate. 23-APR-2009 05-JUN-2009
16302824 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. The mitochondrial isozyme VB as a new target for sulfonamide and sulfamate inhibitors. 01-DEC-2005 10-SEP-2006
16539401 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: DNA cloning and inhibition studies of the alpha-carbonic anhydrase from Helicobacter pylori, a new target for developing sulfonamide and sulfamate gastric drugs. 23-MAR-2006 04-SEP-2006